TABLE  SpecObjAll

Contains the measured parameters for a spectrum.

This is a base table containing ALL the spectroscopic information, including a lot of duplicate and bad data. Use the SpecObj view instead, which has the data properly filtered for cleanliness. These tables contain both the BOSS and SDSS spectrograph data. NOTE: The RA and Dec in this table refer to the DR8 coordinates, which have errors in the region north of 41 deg in Dec. This change does not affect the matching to the photometric catalog.

specObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGUnique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D
bestObjIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of photoObj match (position-based)
fluxObjIDbigint8 ID_MAINObject ID of photoObj match (flux-based)
targetObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGObject ID of original target
plateIDbigint8  Database ID of Plate
sciencePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location (defines default view SpecObj)
legacyPrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among Legacy plates
seguePrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE plates
segue1Primarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE-1 plates
segue2Primarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE-1 plates
bossPrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location, among BOSS plates
bossSpecObjIDint4  Index of BOSS observation in spAll flat file
firstReleasevarchar32  Name of first release this object was associated with
surveyvarchar32  Survey name
instrumentvarchar32  Instrument used (SDSS or BOSS spectrograph)
programnamevarchar32  Program name
chunkvarchar32  Chunk name
platerunvarchar32  Plate drill run name
mjdint4days MJD of observation
platesmallint2  Plate number
fiberIDsmallint2  Fiber ID
run1dvarchar32  1D Reduction version of spectrum
run2dvarchar32  2D Reduction version of spectrum
tileint4  Tile number
designIDint4  Design ID number
legacy_target1bigint8  for Legacy program, target selection information at plate design
legacy_target2bigint8  for Legacy program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibration
special_target1bigint8  for Special program target selection information at plate design
special_target2bigint8  for Special program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibration
segue1_target1bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
segue1_target2bigint8  SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
segue2_target1bigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection
segue2_target2bigint8  SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection
boss_target1bigint8  BOSS target selection information at plate
ancillary_target1bigint8  BOSS ancillary science target selection information at plate design
ancillary_target2bigint8  BOSS ancillary target selection information at plate design
primTargetbigint8  target selection information at plate design, primary science selection (for backwards compatibility)
secTargetbigint8  target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection (for backwards compatibility)
spectrographIDsmallint2  which spectrograph (1,2)
sourceTypevarchar128  For Legacy, SEGUE-2 and BOSS science targets, type of object targeted as (target bits contain full information and are recommended)
targetTypevarchar128  Nature of target: SCIENCE, STANDARD, or SKY
rafloat8deg DR8 Right ascension of fiber, J2000
decfloat8deg DR8 Declination of fiber, J2000
cxfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Xx of Normal unit vector in J2000
cyfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Yy of Normal unit vector in J2000
czfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Zz of Normal unit vector in J2000
xFocalreal4mm X focal plane position (+RA direction)
yFocalreal4mm Y focal plane position (+Dec direction)
lambdaEffreal4Angstroms Effective wavelength that hole was drilled for (accounting for atmopheric refraction)
blueFiberint4  Set to 1 if this hole was designated a "blue fiber", 0 if designated a "red fiber" (high redshift LRGs are preferentially in "red fibers")
zOffsetreal4microns Washer thickness used (for backstopping BOSS quasar targets, so they are closer to 4000 Angstrom focal plan)
zreal4  Final Redshift
zErrreal4  Redshift error
zWarningint4  Bitmask of warning values; 0 means all is well
classvarchar32  Spectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR)
subClassvarchar32  Spectroscopic subclass
rChi2real4  Reduced chi-squared of best fit
DOFreal4  Degrees of freedom in best fit
rChi2Diffreal4  Difference in reduced chi-squared between best and second best fit
z_noqsoreal4  Best redshift when excluding QSO fit (right redshift to use for galaxy targets)
zErr_noqsoreal4  Error in "z_noqso" redshift
zWarning_noqsoreal4  Warnings in "z_noqso" redshift
class_noqsovarchar32  Classification in "z_noqso" redshift
subClass_noqsovarchar32  Sub-classification in "z_noqso" redshift
rChi2Diff_noqsoreal4  Reduced chi-squared difference from next best redshift, for "z_noqso" redshift
z_personreal4  Person-assigned redshift, if this object has been inspected
class_personvarchar32  Person-assigned classification, if this object has been inspected
comments_personvarchar200  Comments from person for inspected objects
tFilevarchar32  File name of best fit template source
tColumn_0smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #0
tColumn_1smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #1
tColumn_2smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #2
tColumn_3smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #3
tColumn_4smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #4
tColumn_5smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #5
tColumn_6smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #6
tColumn_7smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #7
tColumn_8smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #8
tColumn_9smallint2  Which column of the template file corresponds to template #9
nPolyreal4  Number of polynomial terms used in the fit
theta_0real4  Coefficient for template #0 of fit
theta_1real4  Coefficient for template #1 of fit
theta_2real4  Coefficient for template #2 of fit
theta_3real4  Coefficient for template #3 of fit
theta_4real4  Coefficient for template #4 of fit
theta_5real4  Coefficient for template #5 of fit
theta_6real4  Coefficient for template #6 of fit
theta_7real4  Coefficient for template #7 of fit
theta_8real4  Coefficient for template #8 of fit
theta_9real4  Coefficient for template #9 of fit
velDispreal4km/s Velocity dispersion
velDispErrreal4km/s Error in velocity dispersion
velDispZreal4  Redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion
velDispZErrreal4  Error in redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion
velDispChi2real4  Chi-squared associated with velocity dispersion fit
velDispNPixint4  Number of pixels overlapping best template in velocity dispersion fit
velDispDOFint4  Number of degrees of freedom in velocity dispersion fit
waveMinreal4Angstroms Minimum observed (vacuum) wavelength
waveMaxreal4Angstroms Maximum observed (vacuum) wavelength
wCoveragereal4  Coverage in wavelength, in units of log10 wavelength
snMedian_ureal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in u-band
snMedian_greal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in g-band
snMedian_rreal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in r-band
snMedian_ireal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in i-band
snMedian_zreal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in z-band
snMedianreal4  Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels
chi68preal4  68-th percentile value of abs(chi) of the best-fit synthetic spectrum to the actual spectrum (around 1.0 for a good fit)
fracNSigma_1real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_2real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_3real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_4real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_5real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_6real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_7real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_8real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_9real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigma_10real4  Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_1real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_2real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_3real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_4real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_5real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_6real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_7real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_8real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_9real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigHi_10real4  Fraction of pixels high by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_1real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_2real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_3real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_4real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_5real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_6real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_7real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_8real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_9real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit
fracNSigLo_10real4  Fraction of pixels low by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit
spectroFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto u filter
spectroFlux_greal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Spectrum projected onto z filter
spectroSynFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto u filter
spectroSynFlux_greal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSynFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSynFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSynFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Best-fit template spectrum projected onto z filter
spectroFluxIvar_ureal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto u filter
spectroFluxIvar_greal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroFluxIvar_rreal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroFluxIvar_ireal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroFluxIvar_zreal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto z filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_ureal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto u filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_greal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_rreal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_ireal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSynFluxIvar_zreal41/nanomaggies^2 Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto z filter
spectroSkyFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto u filter
spectroSkyFlux_greal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto g filter
spectroSkyFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto r filter
spectroSkyFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto i filter
spectroSkyFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Sky spectrum projected onto z filter
anyAndMaskint4  For each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ANDMASK
anyOrMaskint4  For each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ORMASK
plateSN2real4  Overall signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for SDSS spectrograph)
deredSN2real4  Dereddened signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for BOSS spectrograph)
snTurnoffreal4  Signal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate)
sn1_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1
sn1_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1
sn1_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1
sn2_greal4  (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2
sn2_rreal4  (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2
sn2_ireal4  (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2
elodieFileNamevarchar32  File name for best-fit Elodie star
elodieObjectvarchar32  Star name (mostly Henry Draper names)
elodieSpTypevarchar32  Spectral type
elodieBVreal4mag (B-V) color
elodieTEffreal4Kelvin Effective temperature
elodieLogGreal4  log10(gravity)
elodieFeHreal4  Metallicity ([Fe/H])
elodieZreal4  Redshift
elodieZErrreal4  Redshift error (negative for invalid fit)
elodieZModelErrreal4  Standard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit stars
elodieRChi2real4  Reduced chi^2
elodieDOFreal4  Degrees of freedom for fit
htmIDbigint8 CODE_HTM20 deep Hierarchical Triangular Mesh ID
loadVersionint4 ID_TRACERLoad Version
imgvarbinary-1 IMAGE?Spectrum Image
sdssPrimarysmallint2  Best version of spectrum at this location among SDSS plates