This page lists changes and additions to this site. The changes include interface enhancements as well as updates to the data that is
served by the site.
- July 31, 2012:
DR9 released!: Check the DR9 Website for all the details on DR9.
- December 20, 2011:
- November 23, 2011:
There are a couple of changes in the the Finding Chart and the Navigate tool:
- The Outlines feature (checkbox) only shows the outlines up to a certain zoom-out level. When the outlines get too small to be discernible, they are turned off.
- You can now re-center the image in the Navigate tool by double-clicking anywhere within the image frame. The image will be re-centered at that location.
- June 8, 2011:
Three new cross-match tables are now available that provide a
spatial cross-match between DR8 spectra/images and DR7
- SpecDR7:
This is a unique match between a DR8 SpecObjAll and a DR7
photoprimary within 1 arcsec. DR7 PhotoTag columns
and relevant DR7 ProperMotions are also included for
- PhotoPrimaryDR7:
This is a unique match between a DR8 photoprimary and
a DR7 photoprimary, and matches between different
run/camcol/field are allowed. The match radius is 1
arcsec. The table contains the DR8 and DR7 objids, the
distance between them and the DR7 PhotoTag quantities.
- PhotoObjDR7:
This is a unique match between a DR8 photoobj and a
DR7 photoobj, and matches are restricted to the same
run/camcol/field are allowed. The match radius is 1 arcsec,
and within this radius preference is given to a photoprimary
match over a secondary. If no primary match exists,
the nearestsecondary match is chosen. If more than
one match of a given mode exists, the nearest one is
chosen. The table contains the DR8 and DR7 objids
and modes, the distance between them, and the DR7
phototag quantities.
- April 28, 2011:
Redshifts are now included in DR8. please the
Algorithms page
for Photometric Redshifts, and the sample queries for
using the photo-z tables. There are four new tables:
PhotozTemplateCoeff, and
PhotozRFTemplateCoeff tables.
- January 11, 2011:
- DR8 released. Please see the main DR8 site for general
information about Data Release 8 - the first data
release of SDSS-III. DR8 changes in the CAS
are listed below (links may work on DR8 sites only):
- There is only one database in DR8 - BestDR8
(for continuity with BestDR7). There are no TARG or other databases.
- The DAS (Data Archive Server) links are
replaced with SAS (Science Archive Server) links.
- There are several schema changes in
SDSS-III, these are reflected in the Schema Browser and
the About the
Database pages.
- The Sample Queries have
all been redone for SDSS-III.