Access functions

fSpecZWarningF Return the SpecZWarning value, indexed by name
fSpecZWarningNF Return the expanded SpecZWarning corresponding to the flag value as a string

SpeczWarning Data values

OK0x00000000No warnings.
SKY0x00000001sky fiber
LITTLE_COVERAGE0x00000002too little wavelength coverage (WCOVERAGE < 0.18)
SMALL_DELTA_CHI20x00000004chi-squared of best fit is too close to that of second best (< 0.01 in reduced chi-sqaured)
NEGATIVE_MODEL0x00000008synthetic spectrum is negative (only set for stars and QSOs)
MANY_OUTLIERS0x00000010fraction of points more than 5 sigma away from best model is too large (> 0.05)
Z_FITLIMIT0x00000020chi-squared minimum at edge of the redshift fitting range (Z_ERR set to -1)
NEGATIVE_EMISSION0x00000040a QSO line exhibits negative emission, triggered only in QSO spectra, if C_IV, C_III, Mg_II, H_beta, or H_alpha has LINEAREA + 3 * LINEAREA_ERR < 0
UNPLUGGED0x00000080the fiber was unplugged, so no spectrum obtained