TABLE  PhotoObjAll

The full photometric catalog quantities for SDSS imaging.

This table contains one entry per detection, with the associated photometric parameters measured by PHOTO, and astrometrically and photometrically calibrated.

The table has the following views:

  • PhotoObj: all primary and secondary objects; essentially this is the view you should use unless you want a specific type of object.
  • PhotoPrimary: all photo objects that are primary (the best version of the object).
    • Star: Primary objects that are classified as stars.
    • Galaxy: Primary objects that are classified as galaxies.
    • Sky:Primary objects which are sky samples.
    • Unknown:Primary objects which are no0ne of the above
  • PhotoSecondary: all photo objects that are secondary (secondary detections)
  • PhotoFamily: all photo objects which are neither primary nor secondary (blended)

The table has indices that cover the popular columns.

objIDbigint8  Unique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj].
skyVersiontinyint1  Layer of catalog (currently only one layer, 0; 0-15 available)
runsmallint2  Run number
rerunsmallint2  Rerun number
camcoltinyint1  Camera column
fieldsmallint2  Field number
objsmallint2  The object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same field
modeLink to PhotoModetinyint1  1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: other
nChildsmallint2  Number of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling.
typeLink to PhotoTypesmallint2  Type classification of the object (star, galaxy, cosmic ray, etc.)
cleanint4  Clean photometry flag (1=clean, 0=unclean).
probPSFreal4  Probability that the object is a star. Currently 0 if type == 3 (galaxy), 1 if type == 6 (star).
insideMaskLink to InsideMasktinyint1  Flag to indicate whether object is inside a mask and why
flagsLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8  Photo Object Attribute Flags
rowcreal4pix Row center position (r-band coordinates)
rowcErrreal4pix Row center position error (r-band coordinates)
colcreal4pix Column center position (r-band coordinates)
colcErrreal4pix Column center position error (r-band coordinates)
rowvreal4deg/day Row-component of object's velocity
rowvErrreal4deg/day Row-component of object's velocity error
colvreal4deg/day Column-component of object's velocity
colvErrreal4deg/day Column-component of object's velocity error
rowc_ureal4pix Row center, u-band
rowc_greal4pix Row center, g-band
rowc_rreal4pix Row center, r-band
rowc_ireal4pix Row center, i-band
rowc_zreal4pix Row center, z-band
rowcErr_ureal4pix ERROR Row center error, u-band
rowcErr_greal4pix ERROR Row center error, g-band
rowcErr_rreal4pix ERROR Row center error, r-band
rowcErr_ireal4pix ERROR Row center error, i-band
rowcErr_zreal4pix ERROR Row center error, z-band
colc_ureal4pix Column center, u-band
colc_greal4pix Column center, g-band
colc_rreal4pix Column center, r-band
colc_ireal4pix Column center, i-band
colc_zreal4pix Column center, z-band
colcErr_ureal4pix Column center error, u-band
colcErr_greal4pix Column center error, g-band
colcErr_rreal4pix Column center error, r-band
colcErr_ireal4pix Column center error, i-band
colcErr_zreal4pix Column center error, z-band
sky_ureal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_greal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_rreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_ireal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_zreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
skyIvar_ureal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_greal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_rreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_ireal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
skyIvar_zreal4nanomaggies/arcsec^2 Sky flux inverse variance
psfMag_ureal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_greal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_rreal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_ireal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMag_zreal4mag PSF magnitude
psfMagErr_ureal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_greal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_rreal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_ireal4mag PSF magnitude error
psfMagErr_zreal4mag PSF magnitude error
fiberMag_ureal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_greal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_rreal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_ireal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_zreal4mag Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_ureal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_greal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_rreal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_ireal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_zreal4mag Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_ureal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_greal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_rreal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_ireal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Mag_zreal4mag Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_ureal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_greal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_rreal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_ireal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2MagErr_zreal4mag Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
petroMag_ureal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_greal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_rreal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_ireal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMag_zreal4mag Petrosian magnitude
petroMagErr_ureal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_greal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_rreal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_ireal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
petroMagErr_zreal4mag Petrosian magnitude error
psfFlux_ureal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_greal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_rreal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_ireal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFlux_zreal4nanomaggies PSF flux
psfFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
psfFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} PSF flux inverse variance
fiberFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_greal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_ureal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_greal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_rreal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_ireal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2Flux_zreal4nanomaggies Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiber2FluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius
petroFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_greal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Petrosian flux
petroFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Petrosian flux inverse variance
petroRad_ureal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_greal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_rreal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_ireal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRad_zreal4arcsec Petrosian radius
petroRadErr_ureal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_greal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_rreal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_ireal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroRadErr_zreal4arcsec Petrosian radius error
petroR50_ureal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_greal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_rreal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_ireal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_zreal4arcsec Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50Err_ureal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_greal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_rreal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_ireal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_zreal4arcsec Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90_ureal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_greal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_rreal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_ireal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_zreal4arcsec Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90Err_ureal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_greal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_rreal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_ireal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_zreal4arcsec Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
q_ureal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_greal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_rreal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_ireal4  Stokes Q parameter
q_zreal4  Stokes Q parameter
qErr_ureal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_greal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_rreal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_ireal4  Stokes Q parameter error
qErr_zreal4  Stokes Q parameter error
u_ureal4  Stokes U parameter
u_greal4  Stokes U parameter
u_rreal4  Stokes U parameter
u_ireal4  Stokes U parameter
u_zreal4  Stokes U parameter
uErr_ureal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_greal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_rreal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_ireal4  Stokes U parameter error
uErr_zreal4  Stokes U parameter error
mE1_ureal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_greal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_rreal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_ireal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1_zreal4  Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_ureal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_greal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_rreal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_ireal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2_zreal4  Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_ureal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_greal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_rreal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_ireal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E1Err_zreal4  Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_ureal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_greal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_rreal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_ireal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE1E2Err_zreal4  Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_ureal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_greal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_rreal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_ireal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mE2E2Err_zreal4  Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_ureal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_greal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_rreal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_ireal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCc_zreal4  Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_ureal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_greal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_rreal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_ireal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcErr_zreal4  Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_ureal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_greal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_rreal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_ireal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mCr4_zreal4  Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_ureal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_greal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_rreal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_ireal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE1PSF_zreal4  Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_ureal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_greal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_rreal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_ireal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mE2PSF_zreal4  Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_ureal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_greal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_rreal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_ireal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mRrCcPSF_zreal4  Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_ureal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_greal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_rreal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_ireal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
mCr4PSF_zreal4  Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)
deVRad_ureal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_greal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_rreal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_ireal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_zreal4arcsec de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRadErr_ureal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_greal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_rreal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_ireal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_zreal4arcsec Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVAB_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b
deVABErr_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVPhi_ureal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_greal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_rreal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_ireal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVPhi_zreal4de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) deg
deVMag_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMag_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit mag
deVMagErr_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVMagErr_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error mag
deVFlux_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFlux_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit nanomaggies
deVFluxIvar_ureal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_greal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_rreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_ireal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
deVFluxIvar_zreal4de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance nanomaggies^{-2}
expRad_ureal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_greal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_rreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_ireal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRad_zreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius
expRadErr_ureal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_greal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_rreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_ireal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expRadErr_zreal4arcsec Exponential fit scale radius error
expAB_ureal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_greal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_rreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_ireal4  Exponential fit a/b
expAB_zreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_ureal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_greal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_rreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_ireal4  Exponential fit a/b
expABErr_zreal4  Exponential fit a/b
expPhi_ureal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_greal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_rreal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_ireal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_zreal4deg Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expMag_ureal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_greal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_rreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_ireal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMag_zreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude
expMagErr_ureal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_greal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_rreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_ireal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
expMagErr_zreal4mag Exponential fit magnitude error
modelMag_ureal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_greal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_rreal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_ireal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_zreal4mag better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_ureal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_greal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_rreal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_ireal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_zreal4mag Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
cModelMag_ureal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_greal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_rreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_ireal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMag_zreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude
cModelMagErr_ureal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_greal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_rreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_ireal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
cModelMagErr_zreal4mag DeV+Exp magnitude error
expFlux_ureal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_greal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_rreal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_ireal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFlux_zreal4nanomaggies Exponential fit flux
expFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
expFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Exponential fit flux inverse variance
modelFlux_ureal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_greal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_rreal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_ireal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFlux_zreal4nanomaggies better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
modelFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit
cModelFlux_ureal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_greal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_rreal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_ireal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFlux_zreal4nanomaggies better of DeV+Exp flux
cModelFluxIvar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
cModelFluxIvar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit
aperFlux7_ureal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_greal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_rreal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_ireal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7_zreal4nanomaggies Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_ureal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_greal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_rreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_ireal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
aperFlux7Ivar_zreal4nanomaggies^{-2} Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec
lnLStar_ureal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_greal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_rreal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_ireal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_zreal4  Star ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ureal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_greal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_rreal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ireal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_zreal4  Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ureal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_greal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_rreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ireal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_zreal4  de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
fracDeV_ureal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_greal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_rreal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_ireal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
fracDeV_zreal4  Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model
flags_ubigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_gbigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_rbigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_ibigint8  Object detection flags per band
flags_zbigint8  Object detection flags per band
type_uint4  Object type classification per band
type_gint4  Object type classification per band
type_rint4  Object type classification per band
type_iint4  Object type classification per band
type_zint4  Object type classification per band
probPSF_ureal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_greal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_rreal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_ireal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_zreal4  Probablity object is a star in each filter.
rafloat8deg J2000 Right Ascension (r-band)
decfloat8deg J2000 Declination (r-band)
cxfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
cyfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
czfloat8  unit vector for ra+dec
raErrfloat8arcsec Error in RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
decErrfloat8arcsec Error in Dec
bfloat8deg Galactic latitude
lfloat8deg Galactic longitude
offsetRa_ureal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_greal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_rreal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_ireal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetRa_zreal4arcsec filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)
offsetDec_ureal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_greal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_rreal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_ireal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
offsetDec_zreal4arcsec filter position Dec minus final Dec
extinction_ureal4mag Extinction in u-band
extinction_greal4mag Extinction in g-band
extinction_rreal4mag Extinction in r-band
extinction_ireal4mag Extinction in i-band
extinction_zreal4mag Extinction in z-band
psffwhm_ureal4arcsec FWHM in u-band
psffwhm_greal4arcsec FWHM in g-band
psffwhm_rreal4arcsec FWHM in r-band
psffwhm_ireal4arcsec FWHM in i-band
psffwhm_zreal4arcsec FWHM in z-band
mjdint4days Date of observation
airmass_ureal4  Airmass at time of observation in u-band
airmass_greal4  Airmass at time of observation in g-band
airmass_rreal4  Airmass at time of observation in r-band
airmass_ireal4  Airmass at time of observation in i-band
airmass_zreal4  Airmass at time of observation in z-band
phioffset_ureal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_greal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_rreal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_ireal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
phioffset_zreal4deg Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N
nProf_uint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_gint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_rint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_iint4  Number of Profile Bins
nProf_zint4  Number of Profile Bins
loadVersionint4  Load Version
htmIDbigint8  20-deep hierarchical trangular mesh ID of this object
fieldIDbigint8  Link to the field this object is in
parentIDbigint8  Pointer to parent (if object deblended) or BRIGHT detection (if object has one), else 0
specObjIDbigint8  Pointer to the spectrum of object, if exists, else 0
ureal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
greal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
rreal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
ireal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
zreal4mag Shorthand alias for modelMag
err_ureal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_greal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_rreal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_ireal4mag Error in modelMag alias
err_zreal4mag Error in modelMag alias
dered_ureal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_greal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_rreal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_ireal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_zreal4mag Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
cloudCam_uint4  Cloud camera status for observation in u-band
cloudCam_gint4  Cloud camera status for observation in g-band
cloudCam_rint4  Cloud camera status for observation in r-band
cloudCam_iint4  Cloud camera status for observation in i-band
cloudCam_zint4  Cloud camera status for observation in z-band
resolveStatusLink to ResolveStatusint4  Resolve status of object
thingIdint4  Unique identifier from global resolve
balkanIdint4  What balkan object is in from window
nObserveint4  Number of observations of this object
nDetectint4  Number of detections of this object
nEdgeint4  Number of observations of this object near an edge
scorereal4  Quality of field (0-1)
calibStatus_uLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in u-band
calibStatus_gLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in g-band
calibStatus_rLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in r-band
calibStatus_iLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in i-band
calibStatus_zLink to CalibStatusint4  Calibration status in z-band
nMgyPerCount_ureal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in u-band
nMgyPerCount_greal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in g-band
nMgyPerCount_rreal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in r-band
nMgyPerCount_ireal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in i-band
nMgyPerCount_zreal4nmgy/count nanomaggies per count in z-band
TAI_ufloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_gfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_rfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_ifloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter
TAI_zfloat8sec time of observation (TAI) in each filter