DR3 Help
 Archive Intro
 Table Descriptions
 Schema Browser
 Introduction to SQL
 Form Query User Guide
 Query Limits
 How To
 SkyServer Sites
 SkyServer Traffic Page
 Web Browsers
 Site News
 Contact Help Desk
The help page entry points are listed on the left navigation menu.
Simply click on a topic to go there. Each entry is briefly described here.

Archive Intro gives an overview of the archive.

Table Description provides a description of the database tables.

Schema Browser lets you browse database tables/colums/stored procedures etc.

Glossary is a list of terms used on the site and in SDSS.

Algorithms describes the data reduction algorithms.

Introduction to SQL explains how to write advanced Stuctured Query Language in sdssQA.

Form Query User Guide provides help on using the IQS/SQS Form Query pages.

Query Limits lists the timeouts and row limits in effect for the various query tools.

How To provides detailed interactive tutorials on using SQL for searching and graphing SDSS data.

FAQ are our Frequently Asked Questions.

API contains information on how to programatically access some of the SDSS services.

sdssQA explains how to download and use the SDSSQuery Analyzer tool.

Download lets you download selected papers and tools.

SkyServer Sites lists the various SkyServer websites and physical locations, including mirror sites.

SkyServer Traffic Page takes you to the central traffic logging site, where you can see up-to-the-hour usage and traffic data.

Web Browsers lists supported browser info.

Site News lists the latest changes to the interface and data on this SkyServer site.

Contact Help Desk allows you to send us an email.