Sloan Digital Sky Survey
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SkyServer Projects - Teacher Guides

Welcome to the index of teacher guides for SkyServer's science projects!

These projects are constantly being updated, and we will add more projects in the near future. Check back often!

The projects now include Excel workbooks, so students can save their work without having to copy and paste.

Click on one of the following project categories to view the teacher guides:

Basic projects

Appropriate for middle and high school students, for college Astro 101 students, and for curious adults who want a basic understanding of astronomy

Advanced projects

Appropriate for advanced high school and college science students, and for adults who want a more detailed, mathematical understanding of astronomy

For Kids

Projects designed for students in 3rd through 8th grades


Long-term, self-paced research projects for advanced, motivated students


  • Contact us if you are interested in helping us to develop or evaluate this site!

We are also conducting diagnostic evaluations to help us learn how effective our projects are in teaching science. Contact us if you are interested in helping us with these studies, and we will send you our diagnostic materials.