Summary data for: SDSS J151806.13+424445.0
Position Data (How do I find it?)
Object ID (objID):
Right ascension (ra):
Declination (dec):
1237662301903192106 |
229.525575753922 |
42.7458537608544 |
Image Data (What does it look like?)
Spectrum Data (What does its spectrum look like?)
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Object Type (type):GALAXY
Ultraviolet (u): | 16.27 ± 0.01 |
Infrared - 7600 Å (i): | 14.32 ± 0.00 |
Infrared - 9100 Å (z): | 14.02 ± 0.00 |
Caution: Magnitudes and other data for this object may be unreliable. See the flags in the Explore tool summary page for more information.
Spectral classification (Class): GALAXY
Redshift Data:
Redshift (z): |
0.04027193 |
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