Other photometric observations (detections)
Due to overlaps in imaging stripes, the SDSS sometimes observes the same
object more than once. In such cases, we select one observation as PRIMARY (mode=1). Each
astronomical object is assigned a thingID, and each time that "thing" is observed (detected
in SDSS imaging), it assigned a separate objID.
Information about each astronomical "thing" is stored in the
table; thingIndex is a thin coupling table designed only to connect repeat observations.
Information about each individual observation (detection) is in the
photoObjAll table. (Note that
photoObj contains only the primary [mode=1] and secondary [mode=2] observations of each "thing.")
The detectionIndex table connects each objID to the thingID it corresponds with.
This detected object and its associated "Thing" (Primary observation)
IAU name | objid | thingid | mode description | SDSS J002426.96-004250.9 | 1237663783126303593 | 77805489 | PRIMARY |
Other Observations of this "Thing"
objid | thingid | mode | mode description | 1237663783126303593 | 77805489 | 1 | PRIMARY | 1237667171855041440 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237678433253655046 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237659754446520919 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237659904786956688 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237660025043288687 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237660222614012270 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237660355750068768 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237663276319834610 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237663478199419479 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237663525447271109 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY | 1237663714406368334 | 77805489 | 2 | SECONDARY |