TABLE  PhotoObj

All primary and secondary objects in the PhotoObjAll table, which contains all the attributes of each photometric (image) object.

It selects PhotoObj with mode=1 or 2.

objIDbigint8 ID_MAINUnique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj].
skyVersiontinyint1 CODE_MISC0 = OPDB target, 1 = OPDB best
runsmallint2 OBS_RUNRun number
rerunsmallint2 CODE_MISCRerun number
camcoltinyint1 INST_IDCamera column
fieldsmallint2 ID_FIELDField number
objsmallint2 ID_NUMBERThe object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same field.
modetinyint1 CLASS_OBJECT1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: family object, 4: outside chunk boundary.
nChildsmallint2 NUMBERNumber of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling.
typeLink to PhotoTypesmallint2 CLASS_OBJECTMorphological type classification of the object.
cleanint4 CODE_MISCClean photometry flag for point sources (1=clean, 0=unclean).
probPSFreal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbability that the object is a star. Currently 0 if type == 3 (galaxy), 1 if type == 6 (star).
insideMaskLink to InsideMasktinyint1 CODE_MISCFlag to indicate whether object is inside a mask and why
flagsLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCPhoto Object Attribute Flags
rowcreal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center position (r' coordinates)
rowcErrreal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center position error (r' coordinates)
colcreal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center position (r' coordinates)
colcErrreal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center position error (r' coordinates)
rowvreal4deg/dayPOS_ANG_VELRow-component of object's velocity.
rowvErrreal4deg/dayPOS_ANG_VEL ERRORRow-component of object's velocity error
colvreal4deg/dayPOS_ANG_VELColumn-component of object's velocity.
colvErrreal4deg/dayPOS_ANG_VEL ERRORColumn-component of object's velocity error
rowc_ureal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center
rowc_greal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center
rowc_rreal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center
rowc_ireal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center
rowc_zreal4pixPOS_CCD_YRow center
rowcErr_ureal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center error
rowcErr_greal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center error
rowcErr_rreal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center error
rowcErr_ireal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center error
rowcErr_zreal4pixPOS_CCD_Y ERRORRow center error
colc_ureal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center
colc_greal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center
colc_rreal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center
colc_ireal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center
colc_zreal4pixPOS_CCD_XColumn center
colcErr_ureal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center error
colcErr_greal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center error
colcErr_rreal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center error
colcErr_ireal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center error
colcErr_zreal4pixPOS_CCD_X ERRORColumn center error
sky_ureal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVELSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_greal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVELSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_rreal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVELSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_ireal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVELSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
sky_zreal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVELSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).
skyErr_ureal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVEL ERRORSky flux error
skyErr_greal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVEL ERRORSky flux error
skyErr_rreal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVEL ERRORSky flux error
skyErr_ireal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVEL ERRORSky flux error
skyErr_zreal4maggies/arcsec^2INST_SKY_LEVEL ERRORSky flux error
psfMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_UPSF flux
psfMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_GPSF flux
psfMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_RPSF flux
psfMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_IPSF flux
psfMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_ZPSF flux
psfMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORPSF flux error
psfMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORPSF flux error
psfMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORPSF flux error
psfMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORPSF flux error
psfMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORPSF flux error
fiberMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_UFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_GFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_RFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_IFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_ZFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius
fiberMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius error
fiberMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius error
fiberMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius error
fiberMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius error
fiberMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius error
petroMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_UPetrosian flux
petroMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_GPetrosian flux
petroMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_RPetrosian flux
petroMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_IPetrosian flux
petroMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_ZPetrosian flux
petroMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORPetrosian flux error
petroMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORPetrosian flux error
petroMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORPetrosian flux error
petroMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORPetrosian flux error
petroMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORPetrosian flux error
petroRad_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADPetrosian radius
petroRad_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADPetrosian radius
petroRad_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADPetrosian radius
petroRad_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADPetrosian radius
petroRad_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADPetrosian radius
petroRadErr_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORPetrosian radius error
petroRadErr_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORPetrosian radius error
petroRadErr_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORPetrosian radius error
petroRadErr_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORPetrosian radius error
petroRadErr_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORPetrosian radius error
petroR50_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 50% of Petrosian flux
petroR50Err_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR50Err_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RADRadius containing 90% of Petrosian flux
petroR90Err_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
petroR90Err_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error
q_ureal4 FIT_PARAMStokes Q parameter
q_greal4 FIT_PARAMStokes Q parameter
q_rreal4 FIT_PARAMStokes Q parameter
q_ireal4 FIT_PARAMStokes Q parameter
q_zreal4 FIT_PARAMStokes Q parameter
qErr_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes Q parameter error
qErr_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes Q parameter error
qErr_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes Q parameter error
qErr_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes Q parameter error
qErr_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes Q parameter error
u_ureal4 FIT_PARAMStokes U parameter
u_greal4 FIT_PARAMStokes U parameter
u_rreal4 FIT_PARAMStokes U parameter
u_ireal4 FIT_PARAMStokes U parameter
u_zreal4 FIT_PARAMStokes U parameter
uErr_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes U parameter error
uErr_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes U parameter error
uErr_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes U parameter error
uErr_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes U parameter error
uErr_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORStokes U parameter error
mE1_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 shape measure
mE1_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 shape measure
mE1_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 shape measure
mE1_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 shape measure
mE1_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 shape measure
mE2_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 shape measure
mE2_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 shape measure
mE2_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 shape measure
mE2_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 shape measure
mE2_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 shape measure
mE1E1Err_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure
mE1E1Err_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure
mE1E1Err_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure
mE1E1Err_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure
mE1E1Err_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure
mE1E2Err_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure
mE1E2Err_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure
mE1E2Err_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure
mE1E2Err_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure
mE1E2Err_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure
mE2E2Err_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure
mE2E2Err_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure
mE2E2Err_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure
mE2E2Err_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure
mE2E2Err_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure
mRrCc_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + )
mRrCc_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + )
mRrCc_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + )
mRrCc_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + )
mRrCc_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + )
mRrCcErr_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORError in adaptive ( + )
mRrCcErr_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORError in adaptive ( + )
mRrCcErr_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORError in adaptive ( + )
mRrCcErr_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORError in adaptive ( + )
mRrCcErr_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORError in adaptive ( + )
mCr4_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment of object
mCr4_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment of object
mCr4_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment of object
mCr4_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment of object
mCr4_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment of object
mE1PSF_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 for PSF
mE1PSF_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 for PSF
mE1PSF_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 for PSF
mE1PSF_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 for PSF
mE1PSF_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E1 for PSF
mE2PSF_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 for PSF
mE2PSF_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 for PSF
mE2PSF_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 for PSF
mE2PSF_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 for PSF
mE2PSF_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive E2 for PSF
mRrCcPSF_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + ) for PSF
mRrCcPSF_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + ) for PSF
mRrCcPSF_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + ) for PSF
mRrCcPSF_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + ) for PSF
mRrCcPSF_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive ( + ) for PSF
mCr4PSF_ureal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment for PSF
mCr4PSF_greal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment for PSF
mCr4PSF_rreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment for PSF
mCr4PSF_ireal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment for PSF
mCr4PSF_zreal4 FIT_PARAMAdaptive fourth moment for PSF
isoRowc_ureal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid
isoRowc_greal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid
isoRowc_rreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid
isoRowc_ireal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid
isoRowc_zreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid
isoRowcErr_ureal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoRowcErr_greal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoRowcErr_rreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoRowcErr_ireal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoRowcErr_zreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal row centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoRowcGrad_ureal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in row centroid with isophote
isoRowcGrad_greal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in row centroid with isophote
isoRowcGrad_rreal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in row centroid with isophote
isoRowcGrad_ireal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in row centroid with isophote
isoRowcGrad_zreal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in row centroid with isophote
isoColc_ureal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid
isoColc_greal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid
isoColc_rreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid
isoColc_ireal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid
isoColc_zreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid
isoColcErr_ureal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoColcErr_greal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoColcErr_rreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoColcErr_ireal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoColcErr_zreal4pixFIT_PARAMIsophotal column centroid error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoColcGrad_ureal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in column centroid with isophote
isoColcGrad_greal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in column centroid with isophote
isoColcGrad_rreal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in column centroid with isophote
isoColcGrad_ireal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in column centroid with isophote
isoColcGrad_zreal4pix/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in column centroid with isophote
isoA_ureal4pixEXTENSION_RADIsophotal major axis
isoA_greal4pixEXTENSION_RADIsophotal major axis
isoA_rreal4pixEXTENSION_RADIsophotal major axis
isoA_ireal4pixEXTENSION_RADIsophotal major axis
isoA_zreal4pixEXTENSION_RADIsophotal major axis
isoAErr_ureal4pixEXTENSION_RAD ERRORIsophotal major axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoAErr_greal4pixEXTENSION_RAD ERRORIsophotal major axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoAErr_rreal4pixEXTENSION_RAD ERRORIsophotal major axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoAErr_ireal4pixEXTENSION_RAD ERRORIsophotal major axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoAErr_zreal4pixEXTENSION_RAD ERRORIsophotal major axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoB_ureal4pixEXTENSION_SMINIsophotal minor axis
isoB_greal4pixEXTENSION_SMINIsophotal minor axis
isoB_rreal4pixEXTENSION_SMINIsophotal minor axis
isoB_ireal4pixEXTENSION_SMINIsophotal minor axis
isoB_zreal4pixEXTENSION_SMINIsophotal minor axis
isoBErr_ureal4pixEXTENSION_SMIN ERRORIsophotal minor axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoBErr_greal4pixEXTENSION_SMIN ERRORIsophotal minor axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoBErr_rreal4pixEXTENSION_SMIN ERRORIsophotal minor axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoBErr_ireal4pixEXTENSION_SMIN ERRORIsophotal minor axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoBErr_zreal4pixEXTENSION_SMIN ERRORIsophotal minor axis error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoAGrad_ureal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in major axis at the isophote
isoAGrad_greal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in major axis at the isophote
isoAGrad_rreal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in major axis at the isophote
isoAGrad_ireal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in major axis at the isophote
isoAGrad_zreal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in major axis at the isophote
isoBGrad_ureal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in minor axis at the isophote
isoBGrad_greal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in minor axis at the isophote
isoBGrad_rreal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in minor axis at the isophote
isoBGrad_ireal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in minor axis at the isophote
isoBGrad_zreal4arcsec/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in minor axis at the isophote
isoPhi_ureal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle (+N thru E)
isoPhi_greal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle (+N thru E)
isoPhi_rreal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle (+N thru E)
isoPhi_ireal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle (+N thru E)
isoPhi_zreal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle (+N thru E)
isoPhiErr_ureal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoPhiErr_greal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoPhiErr_rreal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoPhiErr_ireal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoPhiErr_zreal4degFIT_PARAMIsophotal position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
isoPhiGrad_ureal4deg/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in positional angle with isophote
isoPhiGrad_greal4deg/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in positional angle with isophote
isoPhiGrad_rreal4deg/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in positional angle with isophote
isoPhiGrad_ireal4deg/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in positional angle with isophote
isoPhiGrad_zreal4deg/(mag/arcsec^2)FIT_PARAMGradient in positional angle with isophote
deVRad_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRad_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius
deVRadErr_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVRadErr_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit scale radius error
deVAB_ureal4 FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_greal4 FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_rreal4 FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_ireal4 FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit a/b
deVAB_zreal4 FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs fit a/b
deVABErr_ureal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_greal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_rreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_ireal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVABErr_zreal4 FIT_PARAM ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit a/b error
deVPhi_ureal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALDeVaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)
deVPhi_greal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALDeVaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)
deVPhi_rreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALDeVaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)
deVPhi_ireal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALDeVaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)
deVPhi_zreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALDeVaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)
deVPhiErr_ureal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
deVPhiErr_greal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
deVPhiErr_rreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
deVPhiErr_ireal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
deVPhiErr_zreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORDeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
deVMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit
deVMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit
deVMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit
deVMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit
deVMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit
deVMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERROR FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit error
deVMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERROR FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit error
deVMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERROR FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit error
deVMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERROR FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit error
deVMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERROR FIT_PARAMDeVaucouleurs magnitude fit error
expRad_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMExponetial fit scale radius
expRad_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMExponetial fit scale radius
expRad_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMExponetial fit scale radius
expRad_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMExponetial fit scale radius
expRad_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD FIT_PARAMExponetial fit scale radius
expRadErr_ureal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORExponetial fit scale radius error
expRadErr_greal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORExponetial fit scale radius error
expRadErr_rreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORExponetial fit scale radius error
expRadErr_ireal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORExponetial fit scale radius error
expRadErr_zreal4arcsecEXTENSION_RAD ERRORExponetial fit scale radius error
expAB_ureal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expAB_greal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expAB_rreal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expAB_ireal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expAB_zreal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expABErr_ureal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expABErr_greal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expABErr_rreal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expABErr_ireal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expABErr_zreal4 FIT_PARAMExponential fit a/b
expPhi_ureal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_greal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_rreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_ireal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhi_zreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERALExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)
expPhiErr_ureal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORExponential fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
expPhiErr_greal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORExponential fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
expPhiErr_rreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORExponential fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
expPhiErr_ireal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORExponential fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
expPhiErr_zreal4degFIT_PARAM POS_ANG_GENERAL ERRORExponential fit position angle error. PLACEHOLDER, set to -9999 or -1000
expMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_UExponential fit
expMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_GExponential fit
expMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_RExponential fit
expMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_IExponential fit
expMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_ZExponential fit
expMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORExponential fit error
expMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORExponential fit error
expMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORExponential fit error
expMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORExponential fit error
expMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORExponential fit error
modelMag_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U FIT_PARAMbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G FIT_PARAMbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R FIT_PARAMbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I FIT_PARAMbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMag_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z FIT_PARAMbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit
modelMagErr_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit error
modelMagErr_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit error
modelMagErr_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit error
modelMagErr_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit error
modelMagErr_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fit error
texture_ureal4 FIT_PARAMTexture parameter
texture_greal4 FIT_PARAMTexture parameter
texture_rreal4 FIT_PARAMTexture parameter
texture_ireal4 FIT_PARAMTexture parameter
texture_zreal4 FIT_PARAMTexture parameter
lnLStar_ureal4 FIT_GOODNESSStar ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_greal4 FIT_GOODNESSStar ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_rreal4 FIT_GOODNESSStar ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_ireal4 FIT_GOODNESSStar ln(likelihood)
lnLStar_zreal4 FIT_GOODNESSStar ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ureal4 FIT_GOODNESSExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_greal4 FIT_GOODNESSExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_rreal4 FIT_GOODNESSExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_ireal4 FIT_GOODNESSExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLExp_zreal4 FIT_GOODNESSExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ureal4 FIT_GOODNESSDeVaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_greal4 FIT_GOODNESSDeVaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_rreal4 FIT_GOODNESSDeVaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_ireal4 FIT_GOODNESSDeVaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
lnLDeV_zreal4 FIT_GOODNESSDeVaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)
fracDeV_ureal4 PHOT_FLUX_RATIOWeight of deV component in best composite model
fracDeV_greal4 PHOT_FLUX_RATIOWeight of deV component in best composite model
fracDeV_rreal4 PHOT_FLUX_RATIOWeight of deV component in best composite model
fracDeV_ireal4 PHOT_FLUX_RATIOWeight of deV component in best composite model
fracDeV_zreal4 PHOT_FLUX_RATIOWeight of deV component in best composite model
flags_uLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCObject detection flags per band
flags_gLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCObject detection flags per band
flags_rLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCObject detection flags per band
flags_iLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCObject detection flags per band
flags_zLink to PhotoFlagsbigint8 CODE_MISCObject detection flags per band
type_uLink to PhotoTypeint4 CLASS_OBJECTObject type classification per band
type_gLink to PhotoTypeint4 CLASS_OBJECTObject type classification per band
type_rLink to PhotoTypeint4 CLASS_OBJECTObject type classification per band
type_iLink to PhotoTypeint4 CLASS_OBJECTObject type classification per band
type_zLink to PhotoTypeint4 CLASS_OBJECTObject type classification per band
probPSF_ureal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_greal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_rreal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_ireal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbablity object is a star in each filter.
probPSF_zreal4 STAT_PROBABILITYProbablity object is a star in each filter.
statusLink to PhotoStatusint4 CODE_MISCStatus of the object in the survey
rafloat8degPOS_EQ_RA_MAINJ2000 right ascension (r')
decfloat8degPOS_EQ_DEC_MAINJ2000 declination (r')
cxfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Xunit vector for ra+dec
cyfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Yunit vector for ra+dec
czfloat8 POS_EQ_CART_Zunit vector for ra+dec
raErrfloat8arcsecPOS_EQ_RA_ERRError in RA
decErrfloat8arcsecPOS_EQ_DEC_ERRError in dec
raDecCorrfloat8 CODE_MISCRA/dec correlation
bfloat8degPOS_GAL_LONGalactic latitude
lfloat8degPOS_GAL_LATGalactic longitude
offsetRa_ureal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position ra minus final ra (* cos(dec))
offsetRa_greal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position ra minus final ra (* cos(dec))
offsetRa_rreal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position ra minus final ra (* cos(dec))
offsetRa_ireal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position ra minus final ra (* cos(dec))
offsetRa_zreal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position ra minus final ra (* cos(dec))
offsetDec_ureal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position dec minus final dec
offsetDec_greal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position dec minus final dec
offsetDec_rreal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position dec minus final dec
offsetDec_ireal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position dec minus final dec
offsetDec_zreal4arcsecPOS_OFFSETfilter position dec minus final dec
primTargetLink to PrimTargetint4 CODE_MISCBit mask of primary target categories the object was selected in.
secTargetLink to SecTargetint4 CODE_MISCBit mask of secondary target categories the object was selected in.
seguePrimTargetint4 CODE_MISCBit mask of SEGUE primary target categories the object was selected in.
segueSecTargetint4 CODE_MISCBit mask of SEGUE secondary target categories the object was selected in.
extinction_ureal4magPHOT_EXTINCTION_GALExtinction in each filter
extinction_greal4magPHOT_EXTINCTION_GALExtinction in each filter
extinction_rreal4magPHOT_EXTINCTION_GALExtinction in each filter
extinction_ireal4magPHOT_EXTINCTION_GALExtinction in each filter
extinction_zreal4magPHOT_EXTINCTION_GALExtinction in each filter
priorityint4 CODE_MISCPriority bits
rhoreal4magEXTENSION_RADLog size for surface brightness: 5xlog(Petro radius in i band)
nProf_uint4 NUMBERNumber of Profile Bins
nProf_gint4 NUMBERNumber of Profile Bins
nProf_rint4 NUMBERNumber of Profile Bins
nProf_iint4 NUMBERNumber of Profile Bins
nProf_zint4 NUMBERNumber of Profile Bins
loadVersionint4 ID_VERSIONLoad Version
htmIDbigint8 CODE_HTM20-deep hierarchical trangular mesh ID of this object
fieldIDbigint8 ID_FIELDLink to the field this object is in
parentIDbigint8 ID_PARENTPointer to parent (if object deblended) or BRIGHT detection (if object has one), else 0
specObjIDbigint8 ID_CATALOGPointer to the spectrum of object, if exists, else 0
ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U FIT_PARAMShorthand alias for modelMag
greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G FIT_PARAMShorthand alias for modelMag
rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R FIT_PARAMShorthand alias for modelMag
ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I FIT_PARAMShorthand alias for modelMag
zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z FIT_PARAMShorthand alias for modelMag
err_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_U ERRORError in modelMag alias
err_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_G ERRORError in modelMag alias
err_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_R ERRORError in modelMag alias
err_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_I ERRORError in modelMag alias
err_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_Z ERRORError in modelMag alias
dered_ureal4magPHOT_SDSS_USimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_greal4magPHOT_SDSS_GSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_rreal4magPHOT_SDSS_RSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_ireal4magPHOT_SDSS_ISimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction
dered_zreal4magPHOT_SDSS_ZSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction